Friday, February 27, 2009

No longer into you

I shall see you as a flower,
Perhaps a rose,
molested by every hand and nose,
But not mine.
Your beauty and scent,
Which once i was attracted to
Becomes the attraction
Of every beast and insect,
Of which you prostituted yourself with.

My heart no longer wants you,
I shall only see you as a molested flower

A rose whose petals,
Falls one by one,
When every hand touches you
A rose, whose stalk is bruised,
As you lay in rough hands
Whose leaves becomes brown
And dry,
And your thorns becomes blunt,
As the hands of these beasts,
Who greed for beauty
who never appreciates beauty
Holds you with no mercy
Your scent is gone
As every nose that smelled you,
Takes away your scent,
Takes away your life.

I no longer see beauty in you,
shall only be a withered flower to me
Though you’re the attraction of many

I shall be normal once again
A person in search for happiness
In search for beauty,


  1. adam.
    kalau kau yang buat post,macam boleh agak tu kau yang tulis.

    (walaupun tak kenal kau lah kan)

  2. hey, u read my blog kah?

    or maybe its just a coincidence.

    terus nak bagi u A+ for this post(kalau betul u baca my blog)
