Wednesday, February 11, 2009

sambal tumis

Life is like sambal tumis. U might think im crapping, but no i'm not.

spicy flavour resemble the shit that u go thru ur whole life.
salty flavour also resemble the shit u need to go thru.
sour resemble shit that u need to go thro too.

now.. the sweetness that is rarely u found in any sambal tumis. not everybody make their sambal tumis with a lil bit of sweetness.

so in a nutshell, life is always as shit. go thru it. its life experience.
that shud keep u going. thats the flavour of life.

only when ur lucky u get the taste of the sweetness. be it sambal tumis or life.

true.. no?



  1. oh sambal tumis adalah makanan kegemaran saya.
    emak saya akan masak sambal tumis udang besar jika saya pulang ke rumah.

    okay aku mmg shallow.tak deep langsung sebab buat masa sekarang ni lapar nak mati jadi hanya boleh membayangkan sambal tumis yang makanan untuk dimakan sahaja.

  2. ok ok. relaks. takda sapa yg shallow. cuma cara kita tafsir benda tu je. chill la. sambal tumis pun sambal tumis la den..
